posted Friday, 12 May 2006
Theres no reason not to always look on the bright side of everything. If something bad happens- smile, cuz its not bad- its good!!
Take a guy with a metal plate built into his skull. (there are quite a few of those who didnt put it in because of alien transmission scares, but actually have medical need of them) Now this guy can be really upset, I mean he's got a peice of metal in his skull for g-ds sake. Thats gotta be a real pain. He probably has a heck of a time getting through airport security. He cant tap his head during a hard test (to think) without making a loud gong noise. The poor guy, right? Wrong. This guy can now stick all his to do and shopping lists on his forehead with refrigerator magnets! What a lucky guy. So organized. Plus he's got a built in bongos, whenever he's in the mood. The lists are endless.
See how easy it is? This can concept can be applied to everything that happens. (soapy can explain how getting run over by a tractor trailer is a very good thing. Something about being really really thin, and having really macho tread marks all over your face.)
treadmarks are cool almost like tats except not verboten and they're bone-deep too.
That makes them even more macho, and more cooler! Im heading to highway disguised as a deer right now.
flat stanly saved the museum.
exactly! (although he could have done just as fine a job w/o dressing up as a shepard girl)
Wow. Thank you for such an important lesson. A whole new outlook on life. Now I wonder, if I were to step into a fire and burn myself to ashes, could you come up with a good use for me? Besides for sitting in an urn and decorating the fireplace mantel?
Of course! its wonderful that u r a pile of ashes! first of all you never have to worry about calories-you can fit into any dress u want(and any tupperware to,oh what fun!) And if u mix urself with some scent im sure youd make a lovely soap. And now, you can get a good nights sleep, no matter how loudly ur neighbors r blasting their music, since u have no ears,oh glory be! And u never have to wash ur clothes again,since now u are basically just dirt! This list can go on forever! U have so much 2 b thankful 4
I thank you d-head, from the bottom of my heart. I truly have what to be grateful for in life. Your holiness puts me to shame.
whoa, you forgot to say she can be compressed into a diamond for a family member to wear forever and ever! How loverly. (I wonder if it melts in the shower..)
youre right. theres no way i can type all of the wonderful things she can be thankful for. id be out of room in no time. (which would be absolutely delightful cuz then id have room to post pics of the simply adorable skunk family that made itself at home in my bed. which that itself is fantabulous cuz now i have a bunch of cuddly bedfellows who double as an alarm clock and a burglar alarm.and when they r set off its even better cuz they cover up my roommate's odor. which itself is amazing, cuz thats what attracted the lil' critters in the first place! and u people wonder why i smile?
hmm..i'm beginning to think i should move into a boys yeshiva dorm..i've been hearing wonderful things lately..
wonderful? its fantastic! but its not just dorms. EVERYTHING is great! (what has soap been telling you?)
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