posted Thursday, 1 February 2007
Today I snapped a pic of the riot police. You know, also known as "men in black" "yassams" "nazis" and "aaaaaaaaaah!". They are the crowd control guys who enjoy inflicting pain and smashing people into little cute piles of people powder. There was a house being demolished for not having the proper permits when it was built, and leaving some people homeless. (as in less of a home then before, in this case zilcherooski home) There were a bunch of regular cops there but the crowd got bigger and bigger so backup was called. Then the crowd got a lot smaller real fast.
Then I bought the hugest slab of halvah. and devoured the whole thing. It was about 4 1/2 thousand calories, and I enjoyed each one. (thats four and a half thousand little enjoyment units) Heres a pic.
This shabbos I'm heading to kfar chabad. Thats one of the few places thats rumored to have vodka replacing the water in the faucets. We'll have to investigate if these rumors are indeed true. Stay tuned..
That halva looks puke-worthy.
it tasted a billion times better then puke. (although the taste of puke does vary immensely, depending on what u last ate, theres always plenty of stomach acid to sorta balance things out.)
ah, memories of the holy land! great pic from the shuk, i'll write on it actual size shown and sell it to people in little colorful boxes that say things like "start your day off right" or "chock full of vitamin Khay"
the kind with stuff on it looks yuck, but the kind with just the swirls in it is yum, but I can't do the eat it all at once like you. I gotta take tiny nibbles
so... how was the vodka?
t.d- would u like pics more often? trix-cuz of da calories? shaina- very tasty.
nah, really cause its too rich for me. if I eat it all at once it tastes to sweet for me.
yah, but maybe scale em down a bit. they don't fit on the screen like this.
il try
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