Thursday, April 19, 2007


In Israel finally. Its great to be back. Spent the whole flight drinking with my catholic seatmate. After answering all his questions I was suddenly promoted to official spokesperson for all the jews on the plane. Every old lady seemed to feel that I'm the person to ask her judaism questions to. Its not like there werent any other jews. (I noticed cuz by the minyanim there were millions of 'em. And because of the screaming baby syndrome, oh yeah and cuz I can smell a jew a mile a way. Theyre the ones who wear the hats and cover their hair)


Shaina said...

Can I ask you my questions?

doodlehead said...

sure. I'm official spokesperson. Thats means its my job to answer questions. With a smile.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

That's bc u had tapuach written all over you ROFL.

doodlehead said...

I didnt have anything written on me. Its something to do with me. My friends say that only when they are with me do random stangers come over and ask the weirdest questions.