Sunday, June 17, 2007

All over again

The riots are in full swing. Last night everyone enjoyed lots of action. It was fun to look around yeshiva this morning and see who was sporting a black eye, bruised limbs or who's seat was empty. (read: carted off to jail) Lots of people were hurt and lots of excitement occurred, unfortunately I missed most of it cuz I didnt get back after shabbos till really late. (yes shabbos was awesome, thanks for asking,we all got roasted on the beach a whole friday, and thoroughly enjoyed hanging with tons of cool relatives)While water cannons smashed random peoples windows, and yassems beat up random innocent people, I was missing all the action having a fun time. I'm not so worried since there should be plenty of more riots for me to join. (or if all else fails I can start my own. Its easier then most people think.)
Today (while walking towards my apartment) I tried a move (I saw it in a free running vid) that involves running toward a moving car and jumping up and running over it from front to back. When I did it the guy wasnt too happy, and immediately started going real fast and swerving and not letting me jump off. I hung on for a buncha blocks and when he got to my block I jumped off. Me and my parkour friends cant wait for riots tonight, we're gonna actually have people chasing us now, while we climb and jump over buildings. Its a great way to work on our speed.


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Yikes not good.

doodlehead said...


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Why are riots good? They are bad!!

doodlehead said...

it depends on the person. some ppl never find anything bad.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Well I know you never find anything bad but most ppl do and it's normal to find riots to be bad, not sure how they are good.